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THE BEACON PILOT PROJECT Partnerships for Climate-Smart Agriculture Commodities

Lighting the Path to a Sustainable Today for our Tomorrow

At BEACON Pilot Project, we are on a mission to create meaningful change in the lives of underserved small farmers and resource-poor farmers. These industrious and  hardworking farmers have often been excluded from the innovative development programs, resources, trainings, and technical assistance that have historically favored medium and large-scale farmers and agribusinesses.

BEACON Pilot Project will work to strengthen capacity, empower and build small farmer resilience. Together, we provide farmers and their communities with crucial information, technical assistance, and comprehensive training on agroecology practices - organic farming system practices and climate smart farming to enable access and participation in agroecological climate-smart technologies and alternative markets.

BEACON Pilot Project recognizes the benefits of inclusion with underserved farmers and their communities to extend the benefits of agroecology farm practices and organic farming system’s climate-smart strategies to all neighborhoods and communities.

Project Media


Florida For Example

Advocate for climate-resilient crop varieties and responsible pesticide use to safeguard water quality.

Mississippi For Example

Training on flood-resistant crop varieties and implement agroecological practices to mitigate soil erosion.

Oklahoma For Example

Promote rainwater harvesting, no-till farming, and drought-resistant crop varieties to conserve water resources.

Georgia for Example

Champion integrated pest management (IPM) and organic farming techniques to reduce pesticide reliance and enhance soil health.

North Carolina For Example

Diminishing biodiversity and habitat loss. one solution could be to promote agroecological farming practices that safeguard natural habitats and integrate native plants within agricultural landscapes.

Alabama For Example

Encourage regenerative agriculture practices and soil conservation methods to revitalize the land.

South Carolina For Example

Diminishing biodiversity and habitat loss. one solution could be to promote agroecological farming practices that safeguard natural habitats and integrate native plants within agricultural landscapes.

Hover and Click colored states to learn about the BEACON PROJECT target areas.

The BEACON Project is working to build relationships, engage participatory dialogues and
strengthen capacity with underserved farmers and their communities.

The BEACON Project is a pilot project of the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities.  


The implementation of this effort will support the benefits to production and marketing of agroecology farming-organic farming practices/climate-smart commodities to underserved small farmers and their communities.

" We envision wellbeing in our communities: healthy soils, healthy environmentshealthy foods, and healthy communities . . . small farm resilience and thriveability.
Come and work with us."


BEACON Project recognizes the benefits of inclusion with underserved small  farmers and their communities to extend the benefits of agroecology farm practices and organic farming system’s climate-smart strategies to all neighborhoods and communities.


Encourage regenerative agriculture practices and soil conservation methods to revitalize the land.

Alabama  Projects


Promote agroecological farming practices that safeguard natural habitats and integrate native plants within agricultural landscapes.

GA Tech Farming

Champion integrated pest management (IPM) and organic farming techniques to reduce pesticide reliance and enhance soil health.


Promote agroecological farming practices that safeguard natural habitats and integrate native plants within agricultural landscapes.

tAP each state color for more information


Advocate for flood-resistant crop varieties and implement agroecological practices to mitigate soil erosion.


Encourage regenerative agriculture practices and soil conservation methods to revitalize the land.


Promote rainwater harvesting, no-till farming, and drought-resistant crop varieties to conserve water resources.


Champion integrated pest management (IPM) and organic farming techniques to reduce pesticide reliance and enhance soil health.

South Carolina

Promote agroecological farming practices that safeguard natural habitats and integrate native plants within agricultural landscapes.

North Carolina

Promote agroecological farming practices that safeguard natural habitats and integrate native plants within agricultural landscapes.


MS wetlands

Advocate for flood-resistant crop varieties and implement agroecological practices to mitigate soil erosion.

blk farmer girl

Advocate for climate-resilient crop varieties and responsible pesticide use to safeguard water quality.

GA Tech Farming

Champion integrated pest management (IPM) and organic farming techniques to reduce pesticide reliance and enhance soil health.

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