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What is Beacon?

At BEACON Pilot Project, we are on a mission to create meaningful change in the lives of underserved small farmers and resource-poor farmers. These industrious and  hardworking farmers have often been excluded from the innovative development programs, resources, trainings, and technical assistance that have historically favored medium and large-scale farmers and agribusinesses.

At BEACON Pilot Project will work to strengthen capacity, empower and build small farmer resilience. Together, we provide farmers and their communities with crucial information, technical assistance, and comprehensive training on agroecology practices - organic farming system practices and climate smart farming to enable access and participation in agroecological climate-smart technologies and alternative markets.

BEACON Pilot project will work to build relationships, engage participatory dialogues and capacity strengthening with underserved farmers to remove hindrances and traditional challenges, and to enable access and participation in agroecological climate-smart technologies and alternative markets, in order to increase the benefits of agroecology and organic for all communities. 

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The BEACON Pilot Project adopts a comprehensive, participatory approach to engage and empower underserved small farmers. We place a significant emphasis on the cultural relevance of indigenous agricultural practices, which form the bedrock of agroecology farming practices and climate-smart agriculture. These practices promote not only healthy soils but also healthy environments, food sovereignty systems, and thriving communities.

Participating small farmers actively implement a suite of climate-smart agricultural and agroecology-organic farming systems practices on their own farms. This enables them to produce the BEACON Project's Climate Smart Commodities or Specialty Crops.

We don't stop there. The BEACON Pilot Project collaborates closely with small farmers to develop strong market connections that feature BEACON's agroecology climate-smart agricultural specialty crops grown by small farmers themselves.

Our commitment to promoting Agroecology-organic farming systems, Climate Smart Agriculture, and Agroecology-Climate Smart Produce drives us every day. We are dedicated to strengthening capacity and building small farmer resilience and livelihoods, and we invite you to join us on this empowering journey.

The BEACON Pilot project has a multifaceted mission to support underserved farmers in their journey toward sustainable and thriving agriculture. To achieve this, the project will prioritize the establishment of robust relationships with farmers, fostering participatory dialogues that allow for meaningful engagement and knowledge exchange. Capacity building forms a core component, empowering farmers with the tools and skills they need to overcome traditional challenges and obstacles that hindered their progress.

By removing these barriers, the BEACON Pilot project aims to open the doors of opportunity, granting access to agroecological and climate-smart technologies. These innovative approaches to farming not only enhance productivity but also ensure the sustainability of agriculture. The project is dedicated to guiding underserved farmers toward these technologies, which can significantly benefit their farms, communities, and environments.

One of the ultimate objectives of the BEACON Pilot project is to facilitate participation in alternative markets. By connecting farmers with new market avenues, they can broaden their reach and diversify their income sources. These alternative markets hold promise for small-scale farmers and can contribute to their financial well-being and independence.

Furthermore, at the heart of the project's mission is the aspiration to increase the overall benefits of agroecology and organic farming for all communities involved. By nurturing relationships, and fostering engagement with alternative markets, the BEACON project seeks to create a more sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future for farming communities, where agroecological practices and organic farming are accessible to all and contribute to a healthier, more resilient agriculture.


The Lola Hampton-Frank Pinder Center for Agroecology presents such an excellent opportunity to engage our underserved Black farming communities in order to strengthen capacity – to build healthy farm environments, healthy food and healthy food sovereignty systems, and healthy communities. At the same time, this center will engage our students in hands-on learning about organic farming systems, the benefits of organic agriculture and careers in agroecology and integrated areas


Dr. Jennifer Taylor

The Lola Hampton-Frank Pinder Center for Agroecology’s existence strengthens our capacity to build healthy, stronger, resilient communities in the era of climate disruption, by centering the best of the culture, knowledge, and lifeways of Black farming communities


Dr. Kwasi Densu

Project Objectives

Empower Underserved Small Farmers


Promote Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices


Enhance Small Farmer Resilience


Facilitate Information Sharing


Ready to be a part of this Transformative Agroecology Movement?

Contact BEACON Project today to learn more about how we can work together to make a positive difference on your farms and with the communities that you serve.

We envision wellbeing in our communities: healthy soils, healthy environments, healthy foods, and healthy communities . . . small farm resilience and thriveability.

Together, we can create a more sustainable, resilient, and thriving future for all.

Benefit Local Environments


Strengthening Food sovereignty Systems


Support Healthy Communities


Cultivate Indigenous Agricultural Practices


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